Working Certificate

The Working Certificate (WC) is a test of natural retrieving instinct. It is offered by the Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. and is not an official AKC title.
Unlike other hunt tests, the WC test must only be passed once to earn the title.
In addition to the WC, local breed clubs may offer advanced versions of the WC. These are considered club titles, and the requirements for each designation vary from club to club. HOTLRC offers the following Working Certificates titles: Working Certificate Intermediate (WCI), Working Certificate Advanced (WCA) and Working Certificate Excellent (WCX). These designations are intended to provide a fun, relaxed environment for dogs and owners of all levels to participate. All test levels are aimed at demonstrating the dog’s progress toward the skills required of a dog to be a useful partner on the hunt.
All Levels Offered in this Series
Location: Black Label Kennels (formerly Redmark Kennels)
Lexington, Kentucky
Pre-Entry Fee $50
Day of Entry $60
General Rules For the HOTLRC Working Certificate Series
Tests are pass/fail.
Bitches in season are not allowed.
A partial refund of the entry fee will be given if dog cannot test due to injury or being in
season. A letter from a veterinarian must be submitted to the committee chair 24 hours
before event start time. Refunds will not be given for any other reason. 4.Dogs that are spayed/neutered are allowed.
Dogs must be either registered with AKC or have a PAL to qualify for title. 6.Birds may be pigeons, upland game, ducks, or any game bird.
Dogs may not observe the test prior to running.
Recasts are at the judge’s discretion.
Intimidating a dog is not allowed. Verbal correction shall not be abusive or excessive.
Only flat buckle collars are allowed.
Gunners will be clearly visible from the line for WC and WCI.
Gunner will be partially visible from the line for WCA and WCX.
Dogs must be able to view a majority of the bird fall.
Call backs will be given following each series. Non-passing dogs will be able to run again at
the end of the day, at judge’s discretion.
Dogs may run more than one level on the same day.
Automatic elimination for hard mouth, retrieving a decoy.
.Honor dog may stand, sit, or down.
Cover, water and distance descriptions depend on availability..No unsportsmanlike conduct or abuse of the judge in any way.
Handlers, judges, workers and other test participants shall be attired in dark or customary hunting attire.

The following rules apply to the WC only.
These rules are set by LRC, Inc.
Test Requirements for a Working Certificate (WC)
The minimum Working Certificate requirements shall be designed to establish that the dog is not gun-shy: accordingly, the dog will be expected to retrieve a game bird at a distance of 50 yards in light cover on land.
The dog will be expected to retrieve two birds from swimming water (if available) in immediate succession, to establish the dog’s willingness to reenter water.
Steadiness is not required so a dog may be held on line; however, the dog may not be released for the retrieve until the bird has fallen. Handling is not permitted.
Although delivery to hand is not required, the word “retrieve” in the performance criteria means that the birds should be returned to the handler.
Any reasonable command and gesture may be used to direct the dog to retrieve and return (not to be confused with handling). Nothing may be thrown, and no coercion may be used to encourage completion of a retrieve once the dog has been initially released to retrieve.
Must be Labrador Retriever over 6 months of age.
The following rules apply to the
All dogs over 6 months old who qualifies to test for a WC in their breed are eligible for the WCI, WCA and WCX titles.
Test Requirements for the Working Certificate Intermediate (WCI)
The minimum Working Certificate Intermediate requirements shall be designed to establish that the dog is not gun-shy: accordingly, the dog will be expected to retrieve two game birds (two singles) at a distance not to exceed 90 yards on land.
The dog will be expected to retrieve two game birds from water, in immediate succession, to establish the dog’s willingness to re-enter water. Dog must make a splash.
Steadiness is not required. Dog can be lightly held by collar. Dog can be brought to line on lead.
Delivery to hand is not required. 5.Duck call and a shot at gunner station.
Test Requirements for the Working Certificate Advanced (WCA)
The minimum Working Certificate Advanced requirements shall be designed to establish that the dog is not gun-shy: accordingly, the dog will be expected to retrieve two game birds (one land double) at a distance not to exceed 90 yards. Dog may pick up marks in either order.
The dog will be expected to retrieve two game birds from water (one water double). Dog may pick up marks in either order.
Steadiness is not required. Dog may walk to line on lead.
One on lead honor is required in one of the series. Handler may quietly talk to dog to steady, but neither may disturb the working dog.
Delivery to hand is required.
Decoys near the line only.
Duck call and a shot at gunner station.
Test Requirements for the Working Certificate Excellent (WCX)
The minimum Working Certificate Excellent requirements shall be designed to establish that the dog is not gun-shy: accordingly, the dog will be expected to retrieve two game birds (one land double) at a distance not to exceed 100 yards. Dog may pick up marks in either order.
One blind retrieve will be required at a distance not to exceed 75 yards and outside of the marks. It must be planted after the dog has picked up the marks.
The dog will be expected to retrieve two game birds from water (one water double). Dog may pick up marks in either order.
Steadiness is required. Dog must walk to line off lead.
Delivery to hand is required.
Off lead honor required on one series. Handler may quietly talk to dog to steady, but neither may disturb the working dog.
Decoys near the line only.
Duck call and a shot at gunner station.

All dogs must be over 6 months of age.
All duck calls and shot at gunner stations.
WC: Single on land, back to back singles in water, 50 yard retrieves, light cover; not gun shy, steadiness not required, delivery to hand not required.
WCI: Two singles on land and on water, not to exceed 90 yards, steadiness not required.
WCA: One land double, one water double, pick up marks in either order, not to exceed 90 yards, steadiness not required, dog must walk to link off lead, on lead honor in one series (can talk quietly to dog), delivery to hand, decoys near the line only.
WCX: One land double, one water double, pick up marks in either order, not to exceed 100 yards, one blind retrieve required at a distance to to exceed 75 yards and out of the mark (must be planted after the dog has picked up the marks), can quietly talk to dog to steady them, off lead honor one series (can quietly talk to dog but neither must disturb the working dog, Steadiness is required. Dog can be hold lightly be collar, dog must walk to line off lead, delivery to hand, decoys near the line only.